Helga Toth a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem orgona tanszakán végzett Lehotka Gábor tanítványaként. Számos koncertet adott Amerikában, Európában és Magyarországon. Jelenleg is zenész, Bronxville (New York) Reformed Church asszisztens orgonistája. Emellett kilenc éve az Amerikai Népszava hirdetési igazgatója és a kiadó vezetője.
She is a graduate of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary having studied with renowned Hungarian organist Gábor Lehotka. She holds the Master of Music degree in organ performance and teaching. She has concertized extensively throughout Europe and America, and taught both organ and piano in Hungarian music schools. In 2003, she was awarded a scholarship to Montclair State University, where she spent a year as a visiting scholar, studying organ. She is currently Assistant Organist at the Reformed Church of Bronxville, and accompanist for Verona Voices of New Jersey. She is the sales representative of Amerikai Nepszava.