2024, október17, csütörtök
KezdőlapKultúraGeneration research among the New York Hungarian community

Generation research among the New York Hungarian community


After years of preparation, Dr. Martin Zsarnoczky, PhD, assistant professor at Budapest Corvinus University has launched a unique and gap-filling series of research in New York. The complex research system, which aims to examine the lifestyle and life quality of Hungarians living in New York is hoping to reach as many members as possible among the Hungarian community in the metropolis. The research is also supported by the travel agency Molnar Travel (316 E 80th St #1W, New York, NY 10028), represented at the signing of the research agreement by its CEO, Ms. Barbara Bollock, who plays a central role in the life of the local Hungarian community. According to Ms. Bollock, the forthcoming research is of key importance, because up until today, there has never been a scientific generation research among the Hungarians in New York. She also emphasized that the current economic changes and the demographic challenges of ageing also indicate the need to pay more attention to the interpersonal relations within the community.

Dr. Zsarnóczky and Ms. Barbara Bollock

Dr. Zsarnóczky said that on the occasion of the start of the research, he visited several renowned Hungarian scientists: he met Dr. Balázs Fekete, PhD, assistant professor of the City College of New York, Dr. Peter Szende, PhD, vice dean at Boston University and Dr. László Barabasi-Albert, PhD, Distinguished University Professor of Northeastern University.

A similar research was also initiated in Hungary, with the co-operation of MatraLab NGO founded by Dr. Zsarnoczky, the Nagykanizsa Campus of University in Pannonia and the City of Nagykanizsa in Hungary. As a milestone of the Hungarian research, a 1000-sample questionnaire survey will be finished soon, focusing on the factors of happiness among the elderly. Based on the results of that survey, a comparative assessment is planned with the responses of the survey taken in New York. The questionnaires of the U.S.-based research will be available at the office of Molnar Travel and online. The target number of completed surveys is 500, and thanks to the offers of the organizers, at the end of 2018, a sweepstake with valuable prizes will be held among the participants. At each milestone of the research, the results and most important findings will be disseminated among all stakeholders even in our media.


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